And the winner is ….. THE GREEN TEAM ….. The school population is divided into 4 teams – yellow, red, green and blue. The last Sports Day we had was in 2019 before Covid, so the school community was excited to continue the tradition that Gaby, a Project Trust volunteer, had started.

Kep Gardens held 3 Sports Days to ensure that the whole school contributed to the overall winning team. Playgroup and Kindergarten competed on Friday morning, the 3 Reception classes on Friday afternoon and the older students from Classes 1-9 competed on Sunday. The younger students played 8 games while Classes 1-9 competed in 13 games. At the end of Friday, the Yellow team was in the lead and the Green team was third. Sunday changed all that with the Green team the overall winner, the Red team a very close 2nd, the Blue team 3rd and Yellow very close for 4th. Unfortunately we do not have any pictures of the action on Sunday and only a few of the action on Friday. Too much happening to stop to take photos!! We may find that the parents who came to cheer on their children have a lot of photos that they may like to share over Facebook. The most important outcome was that everyone had lots of fun, all age groups worked together for their teams and it was conducted in a healthy spirit of competitiveness. A great occasion for the school community. The day time activities were followed up by movies on Sunday night. A long but happy day with thoughts already about how it can be improved for next year.

As with any large activity there are many people to thank. Thank you to Tounsireyrith and Tounsireyroith’s grandfather, Seth, who supplied us with 100 chairs free of charge for movie night but who also helps us with more chairs when we have large gatherings.
Thank you to the parents who supported their children and came to barrack for their team.
Thank you to the Vocational Centre staff for mowing and cleaning up the grounds for us.
Thank you to the teaching staff for giving up their day off on Sunday to supervise the classes.
Thank you to Mr Huch and Pov for helping to set up and clean up after activities held at Kep Gardens.
A big event like Sports Day involving around 360 people takes a lot of organization and co-operation of all concerned in order for it to be a success and success it was due to superb teamwork.
Thank you to all concerned.
