Author: kepgardens

  • Sports Day

    And the winner is ….. THE GREEN TEAM ….. The school population is divided into 4 teams – yellow, red, green and blue. The last Sports Day we had was in 2019 before Covid, so the school community was excited to continue the tradition that Gaby, a Project Trust volunteer, had started.

    Kep Gardens held 3 Sports Days to ensure that the whole school contributed to the overall winning team. Playgroup and Kindergarten competed on Friday morning, the 3 Reception classes on Friday afternoon and the older students from Classes 1-9 competed on Sunday. The younger students played 8 games while Classes 1-9 competed in 13 games. At the end of Friday, the Yellow team was in the lead and the Green team was third. Sunday changed all that with the Green team the overall winner, the Red team a very close 2nd, the Blue team 3rd and Yellow very close for 4th. Unfortunately we do not have any pictures of the action on Sunday and only a few of the action on Friday. Too much happening to stop to take photos!! We may find that the parents who came to cheer on their children have a lot of photos that they may like to share over Facebook. The most important outcome was that everyone had lots of fun, all age groups worked together for their teams and it was conducted in a healthy spirit of competitiveness. A great occasion for the school community. The day time activities were followed up by movies on Sunday night. A long but happy day with thoughts already about how it can be improved for next year.


    As with any large activity there are many people to thank. Thank you to Tounsireyrith and Tounsireyroith’s grandfather, Seth, who supplied us with 100 chairs free of charge for movie night but who also helps us with more chairs when we have large gatherings.

    Thank you to the parents who supported their children and came to barrack for their team.

    Thank you to the Vocational Centre staff for mowing and cleaning up the grounds for us.

    Thank you to the teaching staff for giving up their day off on Sunday to supervise the classes.

    Thank you to Mr Huch and Pov for helping to set up and clean up after activities held at Kep Gardens.

    A big event like Sports Day involving around 360 people takes a lot of organization and co-operation of all concerned in order for it to be a success and success it was due to superb teamwork.

    Thank you to all concerned.

    May be an image of 12 people, people standing and grass

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  • Art Classes

    Classes 6 and 8 had a fun time last night making musical instruments and jewellery during their art class with Bettina Gebhardt. Imagination is a wonderful thing and we don’t always have a chance in day-to-day life to indulge our fantasies. What better way than an art class!

  • First Aid

    When the group of nurses from Phnom Penh spent a day last week at Kep Gardens reminding the younger students about hand washing and dental health, some of the nurses also spent time with older students showing and practising first aid. The students who attended were very interested. Thank you for introducing the students to something new for them. There are many ways to increase your knowledge, not just sitting at a desk listening to a teacher lecture. Participation in life is a great teacher.

  • Book Donation

    Huge thanks to Phon Sreyleap, Phay Lina, Eam Mao, Lun Sroem, Long Vanika, Tep Tola, Phay Phanya and Sok Tann for their very generous donation to our library to buy Khmer story books that the children love. Rest assured, you couldn’t have donated to a more popular item for the school. Thank you so much. We greatly appreciate your support of Kep Gardens.

  • Personal Hygiene

    A big thank you to Phon Sreyleap, Phay Lina, Eam Mao (nurses) and Phay Phanya who spent a day at Kep Gardens. They reminded the students of how important it is to keep their hands clean and how to clean them to make sure they reach all the areas where germs may be hiding. They also showed them the correct way to clean their teeth to help stop decay. These two health rules are so important and can never be taught or practised enough especially since Covid. Thank you very much for giving up your weekend to come to Kep Gardens to spend time with our students.

  • Dengue Fever Information

    Sokomal Kep Clinic, held a parent workshop and spoke to Classes 5-9 on how to keep themselves and family safe from catching Dengue Fever. Cambodia recorded nearly 8,000 dengue fever cases in the first nine months of this year, a threefold jump compared to the same period last year. The disease mostly infected children who were under age five up to 15 years. Dengue fever causes an acute illness with symptoms such as headache, high fever, exhaustion, severe muscle and joint pain, swollen glands, vomiting and rashes. Thank you very much to Dr Unlisrent, Dr Chen Kimhong, Theav Leakhena, Sreyneang Muy, En Vuthy, Lim Linda, Chab Somaly and Chhoam Savry for giving your time to speak to our school community. A big thank you also for the exercise books, pencils and jigsaws you donated to the school. Thank you to the clinic and its employees for your support of Kep Gardens.

  • Primary Aged Football Team

    Our primary school aged students played a football match against Dom Bosco. Well done to both teams. The game ended up a draw 2-2. The goals for Kep Gardens were scored by Nhan Sophon and Phorn Phaneth and our goal keeper was Hok Seyha. Thank you very much to the coaches Kristoff Collignon and David Omnes from Kep Villa Guesthouse. Special thank you to Watana for umpiring the game. Although it was hot, it was a happy school community event with classmates and parents coming along to cheer our team.

  • Registration for 2023

    Although we have a long waiting list, we are now taking names again for next year. Please note, names already on the waiting list will have first option. School is open 8.00-10.00 am and 2.00-8.15pm.

    May be an image of text that says 'សមាគមសួនច្បារកែប Kep Gardens ASSOCIATION'

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  • Road Rules – Driver Training

    The Ministry of Public Works and Transport spent a night with our older students and many parents who also attended, revising the road rules in an attempt to reduce road accidents during the Pchum Ben celebrations. Many left happy with a new helmet after a question and answer session. Drive safely everyone, enjoy Pchum Ben.

  • English Competition

    Kep Gardens is very proud of our 7 contestants in the English Competition this year. All 7 were placed in the top 9 students. Congratulations, a job well done by you all. We are very happy and proud of your achievements.

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