Click here to learn how you can help us through the Covid-19 Pandemic!
Thank you for your generosity!
How can you help?
There are many ways you may help us. We have a wish list of projects we would like to undertake. You may like to choose and fund that particular project:
- Health
- health checks for students
- dental clinic checks for students
- Medical and dental for Khmer staff
- Eye tests, glasses, operations for elderly in the community
- Transport for all of the above (ramok, tuktuk)
- Workshops for the wider community and the school community
- Would like to pay for one of our nursing students to give health workshops to the community on a variety of topics.
- Another group of Year 12 students to sponsor a university course.
- We would like each apprentice to have their own toolbox and tools to encourage them to look after the equipment provided and eventually start up their own business.
- Marketing of Kep Gardens school, volunteers, website, Facebook.
- Monetary donations would be greatly appreciated.
- We particularly need Corporate funding for a 1 to 3 year period.
- Donations of books for the library, particularly early readers.
- Resources for the classrooms are always welcome, coloured pencils, educational jigsaws.
- Volunteering your time to teach various skills you may have.
- Another helpful way would be a monthly donation to help cover operating costs and resources for the various skills training programs.
We are not affiliated with any political or religious organizations. All funds will be used entirely for the project. We do not employ consultants or pay commissions of any kind.